My latest translation hits the Kindle Single Store tomorrow: Revolte im Theatersaal (Wild in the Seats by James Wolcott) looks back on 100 years of Rite of Spring, in German.
Last week I wrote a dvar Torah for Temple Beth Am's "Taste of Torah", on Bamidbar (May 14, 2021) In the dvar, I mention a new series of poems I've been working on, inspired by a school assignment to create a water ritual. I wrote most of the poems I have so far in the desert, because the deserts are alive, even without water. Below are a few short excerpts.
A documentary by Michael Gregor and produced by doc.station Hamburg about the origins and legacy of the Chachapoya tribe in Amazonia will air on Arte on March 8, 2014 (Chachapoya - Karthagos vergessene Krieger) and on PBS on April 2, 2014 (Secrets of the Dead). I did the line-producing for the New York shooting and interviewed one of the experts.