
Showing posts from 2013

A very happy 2014!


Love and the Cities

My friend Jessica Talbot has launched a website to accompany her book Hummingbird that she is about to finish. The site is dedicated to stories about finding a place called home, and she has invited me to contribute as a guest writer: Love and the Cities .

Revolte im Theatersaal

My latest translation hits the Kindle Single Store tomorrow: Revolte im Theatersaal (Wild in the Seats by James Wolcott) looks back on 100 years of Rite of Spring, in German.


I'm currently translating James Wolcott's Kindle Single The Gore Supremacy, his homage to Gore Vidal. My translations so far  - missing in this list is S.G. Redling's Flowertown plus the forthcoming thriller Blood Stained, by CJ Lyons.

Die Amerikanische Nacht

Für die deutschen Leser: Letzte Woche erschien der neue Roman von Marisha Pessl im S. Fischer Verlag. In New York war ich für die Organisation des Drehs von Trailer und diesem Online-Spiel mit verantwortlich:  Amerikanische Nacht I organized the shooting of the German trailer for Marisha Pessl's new book, Night Film, in New York.


My translation into German of S.G. Redling's "Flowertown" (Die Sperrzone) is now available on Over the past months I've been translating Kindle Singles from Nelson DeMille, Rick Marin, Jonathan Biss, and Michael Famighetti.  I just started with Mark Obbie's "God's Nobodies - Misguided Faith and Murder in the Life of One American Family."


My translation of Traci Hohenstein's thriller "Burn Out" (German title: Verschwunden in den Flammen) is now available on!


Unsere Reportage Flüchtiges Silber - Die Heringsfischer von Bristol Bay" läuft am Freitag, 22.2. 2013 um 18:25 auf arte. Our documentary about the herring fishery in Bristol Bay, Alaska, airs this February on arte.